

7215 Corporate Court

Frederick, MD 21703

9:00 - 3:45 M-Th

9:00 - 2:45 F

Morning Pre-K3

9:00 - 11:20 M-F



7215 Corporate Court

Frederick, MD 21703

09:00 - 3:45 M-Th

9:00 - 2:45 F

School Governance

Governing Council

CCMPCS is run by a Governing Council (GC) consisting of parents, the Principal, staff representatives, and members of the Frederick community. The Governing Council serves as the policy making body for CCMPCS and also has a representative on the CCMPCS Continuous School Improvement (CSI) as required by the Frederick County Public School (FCPS) charter school policy.  The Governing Council has this role as a result of our school’s status as a charter school which allows us to develop policies necessary to realize the goals of our school’s charter and meet the needs of our families. This is a truly unique opportunity within the public school system.

Volunteer Leadership Contact Info: A list of the membership and contact information for the CCM GC, MMCI BOT, and other key volunteers for CCM can be found here.

If you have general questions, or you are unsure who to contact, please email gcchair@carrollcreekmontessori.org.


GC meetings are the second Wednesday of each month and are open to all parents and staff; minutes from monthly meetings are available here.


The parent representative positions on the GC are filled by parents of current CCMPCS students.  Each parent member of the GC is responsible for chairing one of the committees, which include Building & Maintenance, Involvement & Communications, Education & Curriculum, Finance, Fundraising & Grants, and Staffing & Admissions.  A parent member also serves as the chair of the GC. Elections for these positions are held every fall as current members’ two-year terms expire in rotation. All parents are eligible to run to become a member of the GC. The staff elects their own representatives. GC meetings are held monthly and dates are determined annually by the members of the GC.  GC meetings are open to all parents and staff. Meeting agendas and minutes are distributed to the school community and archived here as well as email, Facebook Community Page, and Parent Square.

This committee ensures that the interior and the grounds of the school are well maintained, meet the needs of students and teachers, are in compliance with our lease agreement, and are operating within budgetary guidelines. The chair of this committee communicates any building maintenance issues with the property manager and mobilizes the committee to respond to repair items that our lease agreement requires us to address. This committee is also proactive in identifying areas for future facility improvement. For further information, please contact building@carrollcreekmontessori.org.

This committee works to equip adults in CCMPCS families to support the school, staff, classrooms, students, and community through their volunteer efforts. The committee also organizes and facilitates promotional and community building events, both at the school and throughout Frederick County, for CCMPCS, Frederick County, and Spanish-speaking populations. In the communications role, the committee is responsible for establishing and maintaining the official communication channels and social media of CCMPCS. The CCMPCS Website Team is a subcommittee of this committee. For further information, please contact communications@carrollcreekmontessori.org.

This committee supports the work of educators in the classroom through a variety of means. This committee is responsible for the operation of the school library, parent education nights, volunteer training, organizing classroom volunteers, logging volunteer hours, and providing support to classroom operations. The Spanish Language task force is a subcommittee of this committee. For further information, please contact education@carrollcreekmontessori.org.

This committee is responsible for setting and maintaining the FCPS per pupil allotment budget for the school. This committee liaises with all other committees, the principal and the Governing Council (GC) to identify needs and to financially support a variety of school operations. For further information, please contact finance@carrollcreekmontessori.org.

This committee is responsible for organizing and executing fundraising efforts at the school level, organizing special programs, and coordinating the Parent Involvement Committee. This committee liaises with all other committees, the principal and the Governing Council (GC) to identify fundraising needs and opportunities to financially supplement a variety of school operations, to provide enrichment activities such as afterschool and evening programs, and coordinates Teacher Appreciation Week. This committee includes volunteers working to manage large-scale fundraising events as well as low to no-cost fundraisers (i.e. box tops for education, grocery points for schools, etc.), and volunteers for various special events. The Grants subcommittee includes volunteers who seek out and submit applications for grant funding for operations of our school. For further information, please contact fundraising@carrollcreekmontessori.org.

This committee is responsible for assisting the Principal in developing job descriptions, coordinating interview panel participants, interviewing candidates, and hiring employees for new positions or to fill vacancies as they arise. In addition, the committee conducts outreach efforts to promote CCM job opportunities, and identifies and encourages potential candidates to FCPS. The committee also supports the annual MMCI Lottery activities. For further information, please contact staffing@carrollcreekmontessori.org.