

7215 Corporate Court

Frederick, MD 21703

9:00 - 3:45 M-Th

9:00 - 2:45 F

Morning Pre-K3

9:00 - 11:20 M-F



7215 Corporate Court

Frederick, MD 21703

09:00 - 3:45 M-Th

9:00 - 2:45 F


CCM Families, We Need You!

The truth is, our school doesn’t run without the help of volunteers. The time and talents of our CCM families are vital to the success of not just the wealth of enrichment activities and special opportunities your children enjoy at CCM, but to the school, itself. Without you, there is no us!

That’s why we need you to get involved! Please volunteer your time to help us continue to provide this wonderful, nurturing learning environment and variety of exciting opportunities for your kids. You can commit to a committee on an ongoing basis, or for a particular event, fundraiser, project, or period of time. We’re flexible and want to work with you!

Steps to becoming a volunteer:

In order to complete these steps and sign-up for volunteer opportunities, you will need to be registered with ParentSquare. More information can be found here.

  1. Review this FCPS Volunteers in Schools slide presentation including reviewing material in the links in the presentation.  Spanish Version of Volunteers in Schools Policy.
  2. Review this slide presentation with CCM Specific Information for Volunteers.
  3. Sign this Confidentiality Form and return to school secretary Cathy Rossomondo or your child’s teacher. 
  4. Complete and submit this Volunteer Contact Information Form either in electronic format Volunteer Contact Information Form (submitted electronically) or in paper format Volunteer Contact Information Form (submitted to secretary Cathy Rossomondo or your child’s teacher).
  5. Review the slide presentation with ParentSquare Tips and Tricks and then update your communication settings as needed.

Once all five steps have been completed, you can begin volunteering! Please remember to log your volunteer hours. Volunteer hours are collected two ways:

  1. Hours are automatically submitted when you sign in and out via the Raptor system at school.
  2. All other hours must be self submitted via:

Questions? Please contact the CCM Involvement & Communications Chair at communications@carrollcreekmontessori.org.

Here are some ways you can get involved. There’s something for everyone!

Our Governing Council is always looking for fresh talent. Ideas are below. For more information on the CCMPCS Governing Council, click here.

Handy? Love home maintenance and repair projects? Are you a gardener? Love technology? The Building and Maintenance Committee needs you! Email building@carrollcreekmontessori.org!

Love to throw a good party? Love to reach out to others and share what you love? Love website management or social media? Speak Spanish and want to help spread the word? The Involvement & Communications Committee needs you! Email communications@carrollcreekmontessori.org!

Love to work with teachers? Love the library? Have a talent for training? Want to help shape Spanish Language education? The Education & Curriculum Committee needs you! Email education@carrollcreekmontessori.org or library@carrollcreekmontessori.org!

Are you a whiz with a budget? Know how to stretch a dollar? Are numbers your thing? The Finance Committee needs you! Email finance@carrollcreekmontessori.org!

Have a passion for giving? Gifted in grant-writing? Can you bring creativity raising funds in a FUN way? The Fundraising & Grants Committee needs you! Email fundraising@carrollcreekmontessori.org!

Have a nose for talent? Know how to attract, interview, and hire the very best educators available? Want to have a hand in the annual admissions lottery? The Staffing and Admissions Committee needs you! Email staffing@carrollcreekmontessori.org!

Haven’t Found the Right Fit Yet? Monocacy Montessori Communities, Inc. (MMCI) has various existing committees and short-term committees as needed. These committees offer many opportunities to share your time, interests, skills, and abilities. Some of the existing committees include The Board of Trustees, Lottery Committee, Nominating Committee, Charter School Governing Council (GC), Finance and Audit, and Fundraising. For further information on volunteering or these committees please email vp-ccm@mmcimd.org!