Our core values: Independence, Community, Learning, Peace, Creativity
Students work individually, in pairs, or in small groups within large blocks of time. They delve into multi-layered projects allowing for a variety of modes of learning, projects, packets of work, reading and annotating text, using computers for math practice or research. Teachers teach in a variety of modes – whole class, small group and individual lessons.
Students build listening skills, respect for one another, insight, and understanding through small group seminars. Using formal discourse, they delve into text, share their thoughts, and respond to each others’ questions and comments. They work through challenges in groups to solve a problem and then reflect on what worked, what they could have done differently, and what each other did that was creative or kind.
Meaningful service Learning activities with the support of instructional lessons build collaborative skills. Students work within the greater local and state community where students feel a sense of belonging to something bigger – their school, their city, their state, etc.